The group proactively interacts on the Wheel of Life and reflects it to their personal Leadership Journey.
The group proactively interacts on the Wheel of Life and reflects it to their personal Leadership Journey.
Group brainstormed about the Wheel of Life as Leaders.
The group reflects on the Wheel of Life as to the current aspects of their lives.
Mr. Aref Mubarak, Professional Certified Coach and OD Consultant, together with Miss Eman Saeed are presenting the importance of Wheel of Life and its Elements as an effective tools in coaching and Reality Check (knowing where you are and who are you) in Leadership Journey.
They eagerly listen as to why leaders need to understand that each role is crucial to Leadership Journey.
Mr. Aref Mubarak is discussing the four (4) Roles and Characteristics of Leadership Journey.
Mr. Aref Mubarak is explaining that the Roles and Characteristics of Leadership Journey are valued to actual practice.
Mr. Aref Mubarak is pointing out the pivotal roles of competencies and different characteristics of Leadership Journey
The trainees proactively listen to the different roles of every leaders in their individual journey.
Trainees is sharing their ideas on how to improve their personal journey towards on becoming a great leader.
Mr. Aref Mubarak is guiding the trainees on the reflective activity about the Wheel of Life.
Mr. Aref Mubarak and Miss Eman Saeed discussing the Wheel of Life.
Mr. Aref Mubarak is leading the Reflection towards the Geographical Movements activity and on the output of exploring one self.
Geographical Movements Activity: A Reflective activity that moves from role to role in Leadership Journey. Role that is used the most and the role that you want to try in the future.
Closing. The participants posed for the conclusion of the Training Programme and they look forward on applying the new methods and practices learnt for future development.