With a Foundation Certificate in People Practice, you’ll kick-start your career in HR, L&D and OD with confidence.
This entry-level qualification is perfect for people professionals working in, or looking to find, their first role in the people profession, and will provide you with:
- A solid grounding in People Practice
- The knowledge, skills and behaviours to deliver tasks that benefit your organisation at an operational level
- The confidence to support positive change for your colleagues and organisation.
Gain relevant expertise to work in roles including:
- HR Administrator or Assistant
- Employee Relations Officer
- Recruitment Coordinator
- Organisational Development Officer
- Learning Administrator
- Reward or Benefits Administrator
- Talent Co-ordinator.
By studying four core units in Business Culture, Core Behaviours, Analytics and the Essentials of People Practice, you’ll develop the expertise to support change and make an impact in your organisation.
You’ll focus on real-life scenarios, acquiring core behaviours derived from the CIPD’s new Profession Map, which is based on the cumulative insights of thousands of experts.
CIPD qualifications set the international standard for people professionals. You’ll gain the confidence to drive your career forward – and with CIPD membership, the recognition needed to connect to the role you’ve always dreamed of.
CIPD membership gives you a badge of professionalism that’s internationally recognised. It showcases your knowledge and impact within the people profession.
Once you’re registered for a qualification, you’ll join the CIPD as a Student Member; the first step in your CIPD membership journey. We’ll support and encourage you throughout your studies and help you grow in confidence and have more impact. You’ll gain access to extensive resources like our expert research, journals, factsheets, helplines and online communities, helping you to build your network.
When you complete your qualification, you’ll be awarded CIPD Foundation Membership, and the designation “Foundation CIPD” after your name. This starts to build your credibility in the people profession, shows you’re serious about your development and that you have a strong base of knowledge to build on.
This course covers:
- Business, culture and change in context
- Principles of analytics
- Core behaviours for people professionals
- Essentials of people practice.
Supported By:
Terms and Conditions apply*
With an Associate Diploma in People Management, you’ll no longer simply support change in your organisation – you’ll help drive it.
This qualification is perfect for you if you enjoy developing and managing people. You’ll expand your knowledge of HR with a combination of core units and specialist areas – helping you focus on what matters most to you.
- Build on your existing knowledge and specialise in People Management
- Increase your knowledge in employment relationship management, talent management and performance reward
- Take the next step up into a more senior people profession role.
Gain relevant expertise to work in roles including:
- HR Business Partner or Manager
- People Analyst
- Employee Relations Manager
- Diversity and Inclusion Specialist
- Resourcing Business Partner
- Reward and Benefits Manager
- Talent Manager.
You’ll hone your people management knowledge, as well as choosing from optional units that you can tailor to your specific interests.
You’ll focus on real-life scenarios, acquiring the core behaviours derived from the CIPD’s new Profession Map, which is based on the cumulative insights of thousands of experts.
CIPD membership gives you a badge of professionalism that’s internationally recognised. It showcases your knowledge and impact within the people profession.
Once you’re registered for a qualification, you’ll join the CIPD as a Student Member; the first step in your CIPD membership journey. We’ll support and encourage you throughout your studies and help you grow in confidence and deliver more impact. You’ll gain access to extensive resources like our expert research, journals, factsheets, helplines and online communities, helping you to build your network.
When you complete your qualification, you’ll be awarded CIPD Associate Membership, and the designation “Assoc CIPD” after your name. This establishes your credibility as a professional, raises your profile and opens doors to new job opportunities.
This qualification consists of three core units, three specialist units and a choice of one optional unit.
Core units:
- Organisational performance and culture in practice
- Evidence-based practice
- Professional behaviours and valuing people.
Specialist units:
- Employment relationship management
- Talent management and workplace planning
- Reward for performance and contribution.
Optional units:
- Specialist employment law
- Advances in digital learning and development
- Learning and development essentials
- People management in an international context
- Diversity and inclusion
- Leadership and management development
- Well-being at work.
Supported By:
Terms and Conditions apply*
With an Associate Diploma in People Management, you’ll no longer simply support change in your organisation – you’ll help drive it.
This qualification is perfect for you if you enjoy developing and managing people. You’ll expand your knowledge of HR with a combination of core units and specialist areas – helping you focus on what matters most to you.
- Build on your existing knowledge and specialise in People Management
- Increase your knowledge in employment relationship management, talent management and performance reward
- Take the next step up into a more senior people profession role.
Gain relevant expertise to work in roles including:
- HR Business Partner or Manager
- People Analyst
- Employee Relations Manager
- Diversity and Inclusion Specialist
- Resourcing Business Partner
- Reward and Benefits Manager
- Talent Manager.
You’ll hone your people management knowledge, as well as choosing from optional units that you can tailor to your specific interests.
You’ll focus on real-life scenarios, acquiring the core behaviours derived from the CIPD’s new Profession Map, which is based on the cumulative insights of thousands of experts.
CIPD membership gives you a badge of professionalism that’s internationally recognised. It showcases your knowledge and impact within the people profession.
Once you’re registered for a qualification, you’ll join the CIPD as a Student Member; the first step in your CIPD membership journey. We’ll support and encourage you throughout your studies and help you grow in confidence and deliver more impact. You’ll gain access to extensive resources like our expert research, journals, factsheets, helplines and online communities, helping you to build your network.
When you complete your qualification, you’ll be awarded CIPD Associate Membership, and the designation “Assoc CIPD” after your name. This establishes your credibility as a professional, raises your profile and opens doors to new job opportunities.
This qualification consists of three core units, three specialist units and a choice of one optional unit.
Core units:
- Organisational performance and culture in practice
- Evidence-based practice
- Professional behaviours and valuing people.
Specialist units:
- Employment relationship management
- Talent management and workplace planning
- Reward for performance and contribution.
Optional units:
- Specialist employment law
- Advances in digital learning and development
- Learning and development essentials
- People management in an international context
- Diversity and inclusion
- Leadership and management development
- Well-being at work.
Supported By:
Terms and Conditions apply*
مع الشهادة التأسيسية في ممارسات الأفراد، ستبدأ حياتك المهنية في مجال الموارد البشرية والتدريب والتطوير بثقة عالية. يعد هذا المؤهل مثالياً للمبتدئين وللأشخاص المحترفين الذين يبحثون عن دورهم الأساسي في هذا المجال. تزودك هذه الشهادة بما يلي:
.أسس داعمة في تطبيق وممارسة مبادئ الموارد البشرية •
المعرفة والمهارات والسلوكيات اللازمة لتسليم المهام التي تفيد مؤسستك على المستوى التشغيلي •
الثقة لدعم التغيير الإيجابي لزملائك ومؤسستك •
:تمدك هذه الشهادة كذلك بالخبرة اللازمة لتقلّد الأدوار التالية
مدير أو مساعد مدير الموارد البشرية •
مسئول علاقات الموظفين •
منسق التوظيف •
مسؤول التطوير التنظيمي •
مسؤول التدريب والتطوير •
مسؤول الزيادات والمكافئات •
منسق إبراز المواهب وتطويرها •
:المادة التدريبية
من خلال دراسة أربع وحدات أساسية في ثقافة الأعمال، والسلوكيات الأساسية، والتحليل وأساسيات ممارسات الأفراد، ستطور. الخبرة لدعم التغيير وإحداث التأثير المنشود في مؤسستك ستركز هذه الوحدات التدريبية على سيناريوهات الحياة الواقعية، وتكسبك السلوكيات الأساسية المستمدة من خرائط المهنة .والتي تعتمد على الرؤى التراكمية لآلاف الخبراء ،CIPD الجديدة لـمعهد المعايير الدولية للعاملين في مجال الموارد البشرية. ستكتسب الثقة اللازمة لدفع حياتك المهنية إلى الأمام CIPD تحدد مؤهلات .ستحصل على التقدير اللازم للتوصل إلى الوظيفة والدور الذي طالما حلمت به، ومع عضوية CIPD.
ما هي عضوية CIPD
شارة الاحتراف المعترف بها دوليًا. مما يعكس معرفتك وتأثيرك في المهنة CIPD تمنحك عضوية. CIPD كعضوية (طالب): الخطوة الأولى في رحلة عضوية CIPD بمجرد تسجيلك للحصول على المؤهل، ستنضم إلى الخاصة بك. ومن خلال هذه العضوية ستتلقى الدعم والتحفيز طوال فترة دراستك والمساعدة على تنمية ثقتك بنفسك والحصول على تأثير أكبر. ستتمكن – من خلال هذهالعضوية- من الوصول إلى موارد واسعة النطاق مثل أبحاث الخبراء والمجلات. وصحائف الحقائق وخطوط المساعدة والمجتمعات عبر الإنترنت، مما يساعدك على بناء شبكتك بعد اسمك فيه، ما يساعدك ”CIPD Foundation”:تحت مسمى، CIPD عندما تكمل مؤهلك، سيتم منحك عضوية مؤسسة. على بناء مصداقيتك في المهنة ويعكس جديتك بشأن تطورك وقاعدتك المعرفية القوية التي يمكنك البناء عليها.
تغطي هذه الدورة:
الأعمال والثقافة والتغيير الحاصل في سياق المنظمات •
مبادئ التحليل •
السلوكيات الأساسية للأشخاص المهنيين •
. أساسيات ممارسات الموارد البشرية لدى الأفراد •