After spending long time in one organisation where you didn’t get a real development opportunities or promotion, you for sure will feel depressed and anxious thinking why is this happening to me? Here, you may be expecting any reasons as excuse for your miserable situation, maybe you can say that no one guided me, I didn’t get time, I can’t study any more, the workplace politics is so bad or the life itself is not fair and many other excuses, but actually the answer; it’s only on how you look at the situation and what you see in your career path.
To overcome this situation, start to look at the real problem and stop blaming others as if they are the only one responsible for your development and your happiness. It is not a matter of whether you are having a half empty glass or half full glass, you still have your glass! What you need here is to start and fill it with zeal and enthusiasm.
Erase your limits by seeing what is special in you, look for your strength and qualities regardless what your co-workers or line manager are thinking of you, your organisation is not the only one in the market and you can improve your knowledge and skills by many means. Learning and development does not happen only in the classroom.
Ali Al-Aradi
HRD Lecturer & Writer
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