Go with the flow!

Go With The Flow!
Go With The Flow!
  • Ali Al-Aradi

    HRD Lecturer & Writer

Every difficult situation that you face in your career path has a reason. There are no things that happen in life without reason and you need to appreciate those reasons, because each scenario is an opportunity to you to express your hidden talent and qualities that maybe you do not know that you have. At other times you will feel down with the negativity wasting your time thinking why me? Why now? For example, if due to the current economic situation in the country, your management decides to restructure and redesign the post to cut cost in the organisation and you moved to another post that you do not know about or maybe you do not like at all!

Here you cannot control your organisation’s decisions but you can control your mind’s thoughts. What you can do is to go with the flow. To accept and let go of the resistance and trust the process initially in order to restore your personal happiness and use this situation as an opportunity to act out well and enjoy the role in the scene. Who knows, maybe this move is the one you are waiting for all your life through?

Ali Al-Aradi
HRD Lecturer & Writer






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